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About David Delisle

David Delisle is a best-selling author creating a movement to stop the cycle of endlessly chasing more. His unique way of teaching money mindfulness and emphasizing what he calls, The Awesome Stuff, provides a new way to think & feel about money focused on what’s most important to YOU.

He has been featured on Fox News, Entrepreneur Magazine, Yahoo News! and NTD Evening News. David is a speaker at various conferences and schools and focuses on making Financial Literacy accessible to both children & adults with his 7-Day Awesome Stuff Challenge which will completely change your mindset around money.

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About David

Speaking – Keynotes

David Speaking
Keynote Presentation
Millennials & GenZ are obsessed with being rich and yet consumer debt is at an all time high. What’s the solution? We need to change the way we teach financial literacy with a focus on money mindfulness and first recognizing what’s really important to YOU…The Awesome Stuff. This signature keynote will shift the way you think & feel about money so that we can stop the cycle of endlessly chasing more.
David Speaking
Keynote Presentation
Money is consistently the #1 cause of stress for adults and yet we rarely teach our kids financial literacy. So, it’s really no surprise that most adults don’t understand money. Let’s change that trend and begin teaching our kids about money. This keynote provides practical tips on making financial literacy fun and integrating it easily into our daily lives. Teaching our kids about money doesn’t have to be difficult. Let David show you how simple it can be.

Speaking – workshops



Most of us are so focused on chasing more that we don’t even realize what we REALLY want. It seems like such a simple question but the answer is more elusive than we think. Often our initial answer is what we think we “should” want and not what actually fills us with joy.

In this workshop, David walks you through the simple steps to discover what’s truly important…to YOU.


How do we even start talking to kids about money? What age should we start? What are the most important lessons we should be teaching?
In this workshop, David gives simple and practical answers to these questions. His goal is to make financial literacy fun and accessible to everyone with a focus on money mindfulness so that we can create a more positive relationship with money.


Investing feels intimidating to many of us and it’s hard to know where to even start.

In this workshop, David will show how easy investing can be by focusing on fundamentals and habits. It is surprisingly easy to invest once you understand the basics. In this workshop you’ll learn how to automate your investments and create generational wealth that will last forever.

The Golden Quest

Rich Dad Poor Dad meets Calvin & Hobbes

Our young adventurer dreams of discovering hidden treasure—a treasure so valuable that he’d be able to buy everything he ever wanted. When his parents gift him an ancient treasure map on his birthday, he is sent on a perilous quest to find the riches he seeks; or so he thinks.

For on his journey, he will learn what having riches truly means. Lessons will come in the form of wise mentors who teach him the Golden Rules of Money, including money mindfulness, the power in giving—and the most important lesson of all: Only Buy The Awesome Stuff.

Will he complete his journey and learn the secret to a richer life?

“A guide to financial mindfulness disguised as an awesome adventure.”
~The Children’s Book Review

For 7 days, before you buy anything pause and ask yourself, “Is this the Awesome Stuff?“


Join the movement to break the cycle of endlessly chasing more. Start the 7-Day Awesome Stuff Challenge today:

For 7 days, before you buy anything pause and ask yourself, “Is this the Awesome Stuff?“

Help spread the message by asking 3 friends to join you.

That’s it.

Clifton Corbin

Clifton Corbin

Financial Literacy Advocate, Author, and Speaker

“David speaks with such honesty and vulnerability that really draws people in, and he is super relatable. He shows up so authentically that you cannot help but like him. He makes you feel like he is talking directly to you while owning the room. David’s passion for helping young families comes through while being relevant, insightful, and entertaining.”

Maya Corbic

Maya Corbic


“David is truly an exceptional speaker. He seamlessly blends insightful perspectives with engaging communication. I have seen David on the stage at FinCon as the moderator for a panel. He effortlessly steered the conversation, ensuring a continuous flow of dialogue that was informative and incredibly interesting for everyone in attendance. His knack for contributing thought-provoking insights added more depth to the discussion, making the entire session intellectually stimulating and enjoyable. He is someone who can genuinely connect with and energize the audience.”

Michael Quan

Michael Quan

Co-host of Breakthrough Millionaire

David Delisle is an exceptional speaker, known for his clear and caring approach. His engaging talks are both enlightening and impactful, leaving audiences with lasting, insightful perspectives.

Shinobu Hindert

Shinobu Hindert

Author & Speaker

“David is able to seamlessly blend valuable information with genuine care for the audience. His humble and friendly approach is engaging and resonates with the audience every time!”

BOOK David Delisle

Please fill out the form below to inquire about booking David to speak at your next event, school or organization.

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“The more you focus on what brings you joy, the more you realize what doesn’t”

~David Delisle

Contact David